It is proven by different scientists for many years already that frequencies have a huge impact on matter, that matter is in fact frequency.The most simple example of every days life is a microwave oven or the destruction of kidney stones with ultra sound.I had some very spectacular erperiences by healing with energies. The magic I feel when feeling the frequency of cells is hard to describe. It is a mix of pure joy and compassion.
and his amazing way to play the crystal bowls I felt more and more, that we should bring our talents together.We started in 2023 to offer Moonhiking. We combine little hikes to magic places in nature where we do meditations. You can listen to the recordings on YouTube and get dates for the live meditations on Telegram: Moon hiking).José is deeply connected to the sound of the crystal bowls and plays them with a magic intuition.For me it is easy to „see“ blockages in the body and biomagnetic field of living beings. I have a deep intuition of how to give the body/ energetic field an impuls which the body/ field can use to regenerate and return to a healthy frequency.
The Holistic Approach
New Medicine like Psychoneuroimmunology proves, that stress, trauma, shock or physical impacts (accidents, poisons, eg) have a huge influence on our cells our immune system and health.The healing frequencies of the crystal bowls combined with therapeutic touch can remind the cells of their healthy frequency and can bring them back to work normal again, which initiates a profound healing processThe relaxing effect of crystaltouch removes sress, causes emotional release and activates the tissues of the body.You are welcome to contact me for further informations or to book your treatment.CrystalTouch is offered near Pedrogão Pequeno and Graça.There are also gift certificates available:
It is proven by different scientists for many years already that frequencies have a huge impact on matter, that matter is in fact frequency.The most simple example of every days life is a microwave oven or the destruction of kidney stones with ultra sound.I had some very spectacular erperiences by healing with energies. The magic I feel when feeling the frequency of cells is hard to describe. It is a mix of pure joy and compassion.
and his amazing way to play the crystal bowls I felt more and more, that we should bring our talents together.We started in 2023 to offer Moonhiking. We combine little hikes to magic places in nature where we do meditations. You can listen to the recordings on YouTubeand get dates for the live meditations on Telegram: Moon hiking).José is deeply connected to the sound of the crystal bowls and plays them with a magic intuition.For me it is easy to „see“ blockages in the body and biomagnetic field of living beings. I have a deep intuition of how to give the body/ energetic field an impuls which the body/ field can use to regenerate and return to a healthy frequency.
The Holistic Approach
New Medicine like Psychoneuroimmunology proves, that stress, trauma, shock or physical impacts (accidents, poisons, eg) have a huge influence on our cells our immune system and health.The healing frequencies of the crystal bowls combined with therapeutic touch can remind the cells of their healthy frequency and can bring them back to work normal again, which initiates a profound healing processThe relaxing effect of crystaltouch removes sress, causes emotional release and activates the tissues of the body.You are welcome to contact me for further informations or to book your treatment.CrystalTouch is offered near Pedrogão Pequeno and Graça.There are also gift certificates available: