© Andrea Mattivi
Made with LOVE
Natural Treatments and retreats in  Central Portugal  

Retreats in


Constellation tools Working with dreams Guided Meditations Balanced Ear Acupuncture Shakti Healing Producing your own homeopatic remedies Medicine plants Traditional European Wisdom and Medicine Positiv Psychosomatic and Epigenetic Please contact me for the workshop details by pressing on the more buttons!

Constellation tools

Constellation work is a very old and natural way of healing. Maybe you have observed a child replaying with his/her toys an emotional or traumatic experience again and again until, suddenly the ending of the scene changes and the inner conflict is solved. This is healing work on the system.  What comes naturally in children is a very intense and eye opening process in constellation work with persons in a group. The whole group works in the energetic field of one person and through a process old wounds can be healed, things can be forgiven, insights can be gained and a new energy floods the whole system. There are many ways of constellation work. With persons in a group, with things, symbols, gemstones,... You can work on family systems, your body, dreams, a picture you painted, a scene from a fairy tale, your collegues at work,.... .During my time in the academy (1995-98) for a painting therapist we did all kinds of constellation work and since than it stayed one of my most used tools with my clients. In this workshops you will learn: ·How to communicate with your stembrain and subconciousness ·How to work with symbols and Kinesiology ·How to do constellation work for yourself ·How to deprogram destructive habits and beliefs ·How to relief stress in a playful and fun way
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Working with dreams

Commodo ut, elit et excepteur irure. Adipisicing id dolore aliquip consectetur ut. Nostrud sed aliqua amet tempor pariatur anim fugiat, consectetur in ullamco, ipsum quis eu qui. Eiusmod amet nisi amet qui in nulla, incididunt id do magna aliqua dolor magna ex fugiat, eiusmod duis. Non nulla aliqua non proident culpa sit id quis enim laboris incididunt ad officia enim, mollit in amet.
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Positive psychosomatic and epigenetic

Ut amet consequat ut nulla ea ipsum. Irure dolore, voluptate veniam fugiat. Mollit consequat fugiat id non, sunt dolor qui occaecat nisi. Magna, nisi in anim nulla in, voluptate reprehenderit in veniam dolor excepteur consectetur anim. Labore quis nisi culpa qui sint ipsum deserunt voluptate eu id amet cupidatat et labore. Reprehenderit in reprehenderit deserunt ex anim minim ullamco ad in ipsum deserunt elit qui. Pariatur exercitation sint enim, nostrud adipisicing magna in dolore amet ut amet enim veniam, aliqua proident, lorem nulla.
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Workshops guided by friends

I love to coorporate with friends and wise people. I also like to invite them to share their knowledge on my land and in my therapy house. If you are interested in the actual program offered by other people than me, please contact me!
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Medicine plants and incense

In do deserunt ex dolore nisi deserunt. Commodo esse eiusmod lorem excepteur esse, sed officia, ex sint nisi eiusmod nostrud. Esse minim esse. Officia mollit dolore eu nulla occaecat aliquip magna, aliqua proident id, ea sed. Ut anim proident id occaecat magna duis. Magna nulla fugiat proident incididunt adipisicing eu, ut excepteur et ipsum sunt ut duis velit, in cillum. Incididunt occaecat ut eiusmod sed minim cupidatat deserunt sunt in, tempor irure deserunt velit sint minim ex nostrud qui. Officia, elit mollit et aute ut lorem dolor fugiat. Sit ipsum ad, duis officia ad aliqua ut culpa dolor ut.
Mehr Infos Mehr Infos The Path of the  Crow
© Andrea Mattivi
Made with LOVE
Natural Treatments and retreats in  Central Portugal

Retreats in


Constellation tools Working with dreams Guided Meditations Balanced Ear Acupuncture Shakti Healing Producing your own homeopatic remedies Medicine plants Traditional European Wisdom and Medicine Positiv Psychosomatic and Epigenetic Please contact me for the workshop details by pressing on the more buttons!

Constellation tools

Constellation work is a very old and natural way of healing. Maybe you have observed a child replaying with his/her toys an emotional or traumatic experience again and again until, suddenly the ending of the scene changes and the inner conflict is solved. This is healing work on the system.  What comes naturally in children is a very intense and eye opening process in constellation work with persons in a group. The whole group works in the energetic field of one person and through a process old wounds can be healed, things can be forgiven, insights can be gained and a new energy floods the whole system. There are many ways of constellation work. With persons in a group, with things, symbols, gemstones,... You can work on family systems, your body, dreams, a picture you painted, a scene from a fairy tale, your collegues at work,.... .During my time in the academy (1995-98) for a painting therapist we did all kinds of constellation work and since than it stayed one of my most used tools with my clients. In this workshops you will learn: ·How to communicate with your stembrain and subconciousness ·How to work with symbols and Kinesiology ·How to do constellation work for yourself ·How to deprogram destructive habits and beliefs ·How to relief stress in a playful and fun way
more more

Working with dreams

Commodo ut, elit et excepteur irure. Adipisicing id dolore aliquip consectetur ut. Nostrud sed aliqua amet tempor pariatur anim fugiat, consectetur in ullamco, ipsum quis eu qui. Eiusmod amet nisi amet qui in nulla, incididunt id do magna aliqua dolor magna ex fugiat, eiusmod duis. Non nulla aliqua non proident culpa sit id quis enim laboris incididunt ad officia enim, mollit in amet.
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Positive psychosomatic and epigenetic

Ut amet consequat ut nulla ea ipsum. Irure dolore, voluptate veniam fugiat. Mollit consequat fugiat id non, sunt dolor qui occaecat nisi. Magna, nisi in anim nulla in, voluptate reprehenderit in veniam dolor excepteur consectetur anim. Labore quis nisi culpa qui sint ipsum deserunt voluptate eu id amet cupidatat et labore. Reprehenderit in reprehenderit deserunt ex anim minim ullamco ad in ipsum deserunt elit qui. Pariatur exercitation sint enim, nostrud adipisicing magna in dolore amet ut amet enim veniam, aliqua proident, lorem nulla.
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Workshops guided by friends

I love to coorporate with friends and wise people. I also like to invite them to share their knowledge on my land and in my therapy house. If you are interested in the actual program offered by other people than me, please contact me!
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Medicine plants and incense

In do deserunt ex dolore nisi deserunt. Commodo esse eiusmod lorem excepteur esse, sed officia, ex sint nisi eiusmod nostrud. Esse minim esse. Officia mollit dolore eu nulla occaecat aliquip magna, aliqua proident id, ea sed. Ut anim proident id occaecat magna duis. Magna nulla fugiat proident incididunt adipisicing eu, ut excepteur et ipsum sunt ut duis velit, in cillum. Incididunt occaecat ut eiusmod sed minim cupidatat deserunt sunt in, tempor irure deserunt velit sint minim ex nostrud qui. Officia, elit mollit et aute ut lorem dolor fugiat. Sit ipsum ad, duis officia ad aliqua ut culpa dolor ut.
Mehr Infos Mehr Infos The Path of the  Crow